Vacant Land in Sulur, Coimbatore Union Bank of India Union Bank of India


  • Bank Auction of Vacant Land in Sulur, Coimbatore
  • Bank Auction of Vacant Land in Sulur, Coimbatore
Borrower Name
M/s. Sri Karunambigai Textiles
Bank Name
Union Bank of India
Property Type
vacant land
Description oft Immovable Property: Description 0f Secured Assets As Per Sale Ded No. 1517/81 Dated 22-09-1981, Mod Doc No. 201/08 Dated 10-01-2008, Mod Doc No. 18058/2011 Date d 29-12-2011, Sale Deed No: 8295/2013 Dated 12-07-2013, Mod Doc No: 10831/2013 Dated 20-09-2013, Supple me ntal Mod Doe No. 11128/2014 Dated 21-11-2014, Supplemen tal Mod Doe No. 10796,/2015 Dated 19-10-2015, Supplemental Mod Doc No. 152/2017 Dated 09-01-2017, Supplemental Mod Doc No. 164/2020 Dated 06-01-2020,Sale Deed No. 3495/2015 Dated 31-03-2015&Mod Doc No. 153/2017 Dated 09-01-2017: tem Na: 1. In Coimbatore Reg istration District, Sulur Sub Registration District, Sulur Taluk, Karumathampatti Village, in SF No: 174/1 an extent of acres 4.62 for which cess Rs.6.33 in this, the property situated within the following Four Boundaries: North oft: 14 ft width East-West common pathway, East of: 12t width North-South Common pathway, South oft Re maining property of Vendors Jayavelmani and others, West of: Bulding belongs to A.S Subbaiyan. With in this the property measuring, North-South on both sides-67 t, East- West on the South-83.82 t, East-West on the North-84.6 ft Totaing to an extent of 526.49 sqmts or 5667 sqft of land and 100 sqt East facing ACC Cement building with doors, wind ows, frames, electricity service connection and its deposit etc., with right to usage of pathway in the 12 ft width North South common pathway and 14 tEast West Common pathway trom Annur-Kamanaickenpudur road through the property in SF No: 186/1 and the right of fetching water the well stuated in SF No: 174/1 and other appurtenan ces thereot, The above property s in the name of Mr. S Eas waran. tem No: 2. In Coimbatore Registration District, Sulur Sub Registration District, Sulur Taluk, Karumath.ampatti Village, in S.F No: 174/1 an extent of acres 4-62 tor which oass Rs 6.33 in this, the property situ at ed with in the fo fowing Four Bound aries : North oft Building belon gs to Easwaran, East of :12 t width North South common pathway, South oft Remaining property of Murugasamy and others, West of: Building belongs to A.S Subbalyan Within this the property maasuring, North-South on both sides-35 %t, East-West on the South- 84.60 , East -West on the North-85 ht Totalling to an extent of 283.63 sq meters or 3053 sqt of vacant land with right to usage of pathway in 12 ft width north south common athway from Annur-Kamanaickenpalayam road through the property in S.F No: 186/1 and the right of fetching water the wel situated in S.F ie1741 and other appurtenan ces thereof. The above property is within the limts of Karumathampatti Towm Panchayat. The above property sidthe hime of Mr.E. Maheswaran Reserve Price: Rs.85,50,000 EMD: Rs.8,55.000 Bid Multipl ier : Rs.1,00, 000/
526.49 Sq Mtrs
Sulur, Coimbatore
Reserve Price
Emd Amount
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Auction Start Date & Time
Wed, 26 Apr 2023 11:00 AM
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Auction End Date & Time
Wed, 26 Apr 2023 05:00 PM
Bank Contact Details
Mobile 8369578740
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