Property 1 :- In Villupuram District, Villupuram Registration District, Kandamangalam Sub registration District, Kandamangalam Village Survey No.21/4, Measuring to the extent of East West on the Northern side 53.5 European feet. Southern side 55 feet, South North 36 European feet, totally to the extent of 1953 Sq. ft. (or) 0.04.47 Cent of Vacant Plot Bearing Plot No.7 Boundaries: West to Road, South to sabapathy's Plot, North to Ramizabiry's and others remaining Plot. and East to Baskaran's plot. Property 2: In Villupuram District, Villupuram Registration District, Kandamangalam Sub registration District, Kandamangalam Village Survey No 21/4, Measuring to the extent of East West15 European feet, South North on the Eastern side 48 European feet, Western Side 53 feet, totally to the extent of 757.50 Sq. ft of Vacant Plot. Boundaries: North to Railway Road, east and West to Vasantha's House and Plot and South to Common path