DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTIES Property No.1: Equitable Mortgage of all that part and parcel of the property consisting of Factory land measuring 462 sq. yds with factory building with AC sheet roofed shed and ground 1 upper floors RCC water plant building with a plinth area of 2032 sft, situated in S.No. 17/1 part, Cherukupalli Village and Panchayat, Bhogapuram Mandal Sub Registrar Bhogapuram Vizianagaram District belonging to Mrs. Korada Deepamani (Regd. Sale Deed No.1951/2014 dated 09.05.2014 and Deed of Rectification of sale deed vide Doc. No.4372/2014 dated 22.08.2014) Bounded as follows East Zeroyathi land belongs to Bora Narasimhulu, South : Vacant Site belongs to Sri Bora Suryanarayana Reddy, West : Road and Vacant site belongs to Bora Suryanarayana Reddy, North : Water Canal