SCHEDULE OF PROPERTY West Godavari District, Tanuku SRO Undrajavaram Mandal, K Savaram Grampanchayati Area, K Savaram Village, Nothren side extent of Ac1-26 Cents out of full extent of AC2-16 cents in R.S.No.32/2 of Karrivari Savaram Grampanchayati Area divided in to plots under P R NO 24 DT.27.09.2006 OF Gram panchayati of Karravari Savaram and out of such lay out approved plots situated near Door No: 2-311, Plot no 18 out of which western side extent of 156 Sq. Yards and Plot No: 19 of an extent of 164 Sq. Yards totaling 320 Sq. Yards of site is Bounded by: A Shedule : North: 30 feet width lay out road, East: Rest of site in plot no 18, South : Site in plot no 16&17, West Vacant Site of Rekhapalli Naga Krishna Prasad and site in plot no 20&21 Out of the 320 Sq. Yards situated with in the following boundaries undived and unspecified extent of 36 square yards. B Shedule : In the above A schedule an apartment building was constructed in the name and style of Royal Towers out of which Flat No. 402 of 4 th Floor with 2 Bed Rooms and Bounded by: East : open to sky, West: 7 feet width Corridor and steps, North: 4 Feet width Corridor, South: open to sky With the above boundaries Flat No 402 with Rcc Roofed with 2 Bed Rooms situated in a total extent of 1100 Sq. Feet including common area and Car Parking of 96 Sq feet and undivided joint right in common area of an extent of 102 Sq. Feet and with all easement rights.