Description of immovable secured assets to be Sold :- All that part and parcel of vacant site of Plot No.37,38" Om Sakthi Nagar" with an extent of 4800 sq.ft i.e 445.93 sq. meters out of 3 acre 10 cents (AyanPunja S.No.1244 with an extent of 1 acre 62 cents i.e 0.65.5 hectares and AyanPunja S.No. 1245 with an extent of 1 acre 48 cents i.e.0.60.0 hectares totally 3 acre 10 cents) at Keelathiruthangal Village with measurements, East west at Northern Side: 60 feet East west at Southern Side: 60 feet, North South at Western Side: 80 feet, North South at Eastern Side: 80 feet totally 4800 sq.ft i.e. 445.93 sq.meters, bounded on East: 25 feet breadth North South public road, West: Land of S.No.1246, South: Plot No.39, North: Plot No.36. Pathway rights at all connected roads, Keelathiruthangal Village, Sengamalapatti Panchayat, Thiruthangal Sub Registrar, Virudhunagar District Registrar. Property Owner: Mrs. S Geetha. Possession Type: Physical Possession.