All the piece and parcel of the immoveable property An Undivided and unspoci- fied share an extent of 67 Sq Yds or 56.01 Sq Mts in total extent of 3035 sq Yds of 2540. 162 Squmts of site together with a Flat bearing .F5. Fourth Floor, in Godevari Block within plinth area of 950 Sq.ft. 250 SFT Common area, 100 St parking area in R.S. No 2281, & 229/3, Ward No. 29, Asst. No. 245356, Door No. 74-32-1, and 74-32-10, Pappula Mil Road, Demera Nagar, Viajawada Patama Sub Registry, Krishna District.: The boundaries of Site; East by: GajulaNarayana Rao & Others Property: South by: M/s Damera Concerns Dal & Or Mil; West by: 30.R Width Municipal Road: North by: Vishna Builders: The boundaries of F-5 Fourth Floor in Godaveri Block North: Open to Sky & Lift; South: Open to Sky: East: Open to Sky; West: Common Corridor & Steps