All that piece and parcel of residential Flat situated at Perunthandalam village, Thiruporur Taluk, Kancheepuram District, comprised in Old S. No.245/2 Part (New S.No.245/2B) - 57.66 Cents, Old S.No.245/3A Part (New S. No.245/3 A3) - 17.12 Cents, Old S. No.245/3B Part (NewS.No.245/3B3) - 12.08 Cent, Old S.No.245/4A Part (New S. No.245/4A4) - 13.51 Cents, Old S.No.245/4C Part (New S.No.245/4C4) - 3.60 Cents, Old S. No.245/5 Part (New S.No.245/5D Part) - 12.33 Cents, Old S. No.245/6 Part (New S.No.245/6D Part) - 0.10 Cents, measuring the total extent of 1 Acre 16.40 Cents (or) 50,704 Sq.Ft., Approved by the DTCP, vide Building Plan Sanction No. KA.VA/NA.OO.E.EN 249/2018, Dt.23-10-2018, Technical Approval No.KA.VA/NA.OO.THU.E (SEM) EN.85(AA.AAA.EE)/2018, DT. 10-12-2018, Local body Resolution No.34, Dt. 11-01-2019 and L.P.No.NA.KA.EN.4975/5844/2018/AA1, Dt.18.01.2019.Situated within the S.R.O of Chengalpattu Joint Il. SCHEDULE - B 88 Sq.ft. undivided share of land forming part of Schedule - A mentioned Property. SCHEDULE "C" (Description of Apartment) Flat No. A206 (Second Floor) in the Project named as "Vijay Raja's EXURB', measuring extent of 360 Sq., Super built-up area for the Schedule - B and the Flat bounded on the North by: Drive Way South by: Corridor East by: Flat No. A207 West by: Flat No. A205