Description of property: All that piece & Parcel of the Vacant land measuring 1838 Square Feet. in bearing Plot No. 21, Comprised in Survey No. 69/3B and 69/4A1. in the Layout named as "PRIME CITY-II in SRI MAHALAKSHMI NAGAR PHASE-II" layout approved by DTCP vide No. 330 of 2006, situated at No 223, KANTHALUR VILLAGE in Pulipakkam Panchayat, Chegalpattu Taluk, Kancheepuram District, Now Chengalpattu District BOUNDED ON THE: NORTH BY-Vacant Land, SOUTH BY-Plot No.20 EAST BY -Plot No. 18. WEST BY-23 Feet Wide Road,AND WITH THE FOLLOWING LINEAR MEASUREMENTS East to West on the Northern side- 56 Feet East to West on the Southern side -58 Feet, North to South on the Eastern Side - 31 Feet & 6 inches, North to South on the Western Side-33 Feet, In all total measuring an extent of 1838 square feet, The Property is within the Kattankolathur union, Pulipakkam Village Panchayat Limits and Registration District of Chengalpattu and Sub-registration District of Joint-II, Chengalpattu.