All that R.C.C. Superstructure bearing Flat No. 203 covering a built up of 42.54 sq.Mtr on 2nd Floor of the scheme known as DIAMOND DIVINE being constructed on All that piece and parcel Land bearing Plot No.140/5, Adm. 668.896 (or 7200 Sq. ft.) out of Kh.No.127, P.H.No.8 of Mouza BORGAON Bearing city Survey No. 264, Sheet No.136/41, Ward No.62 situated opp. Dinshaw Factory, Gorewada Road, Nagpur Within the limits of Nagpur Improvement Trust & Nagpur Municipal Corporation. Tal & DistNagpur, owned by RESHMA PARVEEN SALEEM SHAIKH and bounded as per sanctioned map