1. Equitable Mortgage of residential flat no. 301 admeasuring 72.00 sq. mts. At fourth floor, Block C, Star Sagar Royal Heights Pocket III Village Bawadiya Kalan, Hoshangabaad road, Tehsil Huzur, Distt. Bhopal, Part of Khasra no. 1427/2/1/7/1/1, 427/2/1/7/1/2, 427/2/1/7/1/3, 427/2/1/7/1/4 & 427/2/1/7/1/5, 427/2/1/1, 427/2/1/2, 427/2/1/3, 427/2/1/4, 427/2/1/5, 427/2/1/6 & 427/2/1/7/2 in the name of Mr. Dharmendra Singh Parihar S/o Raj Bahoran Singh, standing thereon more fully described in the Possession Notice dated 05.07.2024. Boundaries :- North Flat No. 306 & Duct South Flat No. 302, East Open, West Corridor & Flat No. 304