4. Equitable Mortgage of residential flat no. 301 admeasuring 72.00 sq. mts. At fourth floor, Block C, Star Sagar Royal Heights Pocket III Village - Bawadiya Kalan, Hoshangabaad road, Tehsil Huzur, Distt. Bhopal, Part of Khasra no .427/2/1/7/1/1, 427/2/1/7/1/2, 427/2/1/7/1/3, 427/2/1/7/1/4 & 427/2/1/7/1/5, 427/2/1/1, 427/2/1/2, 427/2/1/3, 427/2/1/4, 427/2/1/5, 427/2/1/6 & 427/2/1/7/2 in the name of Mr. Dharmendra Singh Parihar S/o Raj Bahoran Singh, standing thereon more fully described in the Possession Notice dated 05.07.2024. Boundaries North Flat No. 306 & Duct South Flat No. 302, East Open, West Corridor & Flat No. 304