Item No.4 Plot No.N (Triangular Shape) in Ward B. Block 2 T.S.No.17/5 (Old S.No.238/2. 238/4. 239/4) extent 0.2525.0 Hec. In these, the land of 0.0263.0 Hec(0.06 Acres), (Old S.No.239/4 238/4) extent 0.225.0 Hec. In these, the land of 0.0667.0 Hec (0.16 Acres). In these, the land of 11072 Sq.ft bounded by the following Boundraies North of Agril Land, East of 40 ft wide Road and Park, West of Agril Land. Within the above boundaries the land Measuring East West on Northern side 0 ft, Southern side 175 ft, North South on Eastern side 125 ft. western side 179 totaling 11072 Sq.ft.