Item No.3 Plot No.C1 (Triangular Shape) in Ward B. Block 2. T.S.No.1 (Old.S.No.241/2. 241/1) extent 0.2371.0 Hec. In these, the land of 0.118.0 Hec (0.29 Acres), T.S.No.11/4 (Old S.No.241/4) extent 0.1942.0 Hec. In these, the land of 0.0719.5 Hec and S.No.11/5A (Old S.No.241/5) extent of 0.3660.0 Hec. In these, the land of 0.1782.0 Hec. New Sub Division T.S.No.11/5A1 extent 0.1189.0 Hec. In these, the land of 4428 Sq.ft bounded by the following Boundaries: South of East West Road, East of 15 feet Road, West of Park. Within the above boundaries, the land Measuring East West on Northern side 82 ft. Southern side 0 ft, North South on Eastern side ft. Western side 108 ft. totaling 4428 Sq.ft.