EMT of All that entire RCC Superstructure comprising Apartment/Pent House No. 606 in Wing 'III' on Sixth Floor in the scheme to be named and styled as "Rai Ashiyana area admeasuring 41,493 Mtrs i.e. 446.63 Sq.Ft. of built up area alongwith piece of undivided share 0.215% of all that piece and parcel of land area 2,670 Acres i.e. 10805.01 Sq. Mtr in all that piece and parcel of N.I.T. Leasehold Land located within the City Corporation limits of Nagpur, Bearing Kh. No. 39 and 41, in the Panchpaoli Housing Accommodation Scheme of NIT Land Mouza Bhankheda in Motibagh Improvement Scheme, bearing C S No. 6, Sheet No 190/11, Bearing Corporation House No. 411/W-3/606, Ward No. 53, Ansar Nagar within the City Corporation limits of Nagpur, Tah. & Dist. Nagpur 440004 Boundaries of Plot: North Road, South Railway Line, East Property of NOGA, West Nallah & Road