The Property situated at Thanjavur Registration District Vallam sub-Registration District Thanjavur Taluk Kurumangalam West Half Village, Punjai Sy No 379/1B measuring 0.39 cents (i.e) 0.15.5 areas out of 0.72 cents Eastern side out of 1.21 acres (i.e) 0.49.0 ares Boundaries: North of Arokkiasamy and Danishlass land, East of D.Jayakumars Land, South of Sugar Factory Road West of Properties Purchased by K Damayanthi Measurements of Site: Total Extent of 0.39 Cents (i.e.) 0.15.5 Ares out of 0.72 Cents Eastern side out of 1.21 Acres (I.e.) 0.49.0Ares