SCHEDULE OF PROPERTY/IES Immovable Property Mortgaged to our Bank SCHEDULE- C (Property Owned By Durai Jayakumar) The Property situated at Thanjavur Registration District, Mahamombuchavady Sub Registration District, Thanjavur Taluk, Pullyanthoppu Vattam, Kattuthotam Village, Punjai Layout formed in R.S. No 111/1, 111/2A, 111/2B, 112/1, 112/3A & 112/3B out of the total extent of 10.83 Acres in the name and style as Gnanam Extension Rajarajan Nagar Plot No.90 in Old Sy.No. 112/1, New Sy.No. 112/4, with RCC Terraced House, Ground Floor & First Floor measuring 2400 Sq.ft. i,e 223.05 Sq.m., Boundaries: North of 23 feet EW Road East of Plot No.89, South of Plot No. 119, West of Plot No.91. Measurements of site: East-West Northern Side 40 Feet, East - West Southern side 40 Feet, North-South Eastern side 60 feet, North South Western side 60 feet Toati Extent of 2400 Sq ft i.e 223.05 Sq.m