The site together with the superstructure now Available and to be putup thereon in future situated in Thanjavur Registration District Vallam Sub Registration District ThanjavurTaluk Kurumangalam West Half, Punjai situated in S.No.379/1B measuring 0.33 cents(i.e)0.13.5 ares western half out of 0.66 cent western side out of 1.21 acres, i.e 0.49.0 Ares Boundaries: South of Sugar Factory Road West of properties Purchased by D Rajesh Kannan Land East of D Jayakumars Land North of Arulamarys Land Measurements of Site: Total Extent of 0.33 cents (i.e) 0.13.5 ares Western Half out of 0 66 cents out of 1.21 acres (i.e) 0.49 0 ares.