All That RCC Super Structure Constisting Residential Duplex No. 9 Containing By Admeasuring Plot Area 160 Sq Mtrs (1721 Sq Ft.) 6 Constructed Super B/Up Area Admeasuring 105.115q Mtrs (11315q Ft.) On Ground Floor of Situated At Forming A Portion of Entire Land Bearing Survey / Khasara No. 177/4 P.H. No. 53 Ad measuring An Area of 01.11 Hr. (LE moosq Mtrs) of Mouza Chakan pur, Tehsil Saoner, Dist Nagpur, Particu larly Described In The Schedule Written Hereunder, With Rights TO Hold 54 016% ndivided variable Proportion nate Share And Interest Pertaining TO F.SI. In The Said Piece of Land Particularly Des cribed In The Schedule Written He reun der As Part And Parcel of Prese nt Dee dStan ding In The Name of Mr. Arif ur Rahman S/O Abdur Rashid The Property Is Bounded As Under: East Road, West- Plot No. 12, North . Plot No. 10, South- Plot No. 08