Item no 2- Land with Godown Building, Tirupur Registration District-Thottipalayam Sub Registration District - Thottipalayam Village- Old S.F.No 164/1, part Acre 4.79 in this Tharam Rs.5.42 in this as per present sub division S.F.No. 164/1A in this on the western side Acre 4.03 in this Tharam Rs. 4.56 in this in the Eastern side Acre 2.03, in this a part of the property measuring Acre 1.09.1/2 have been sold and the remaining part of property measuring Acre 0.93 1/2 and on the western side Acre 2.00 in this on the west, southern Extremity the property with hold Acre 0.60 except the said extent the balance of extent Acre 1.40, thus totaling Acre 2.33.1/2 in this a part Acre 0.46.3/4 of Land with Godown building thereon having the following boundaries: North of The property withhold by Karthikeyan and Suresh South of: S.F.No. 162 the Road and S.F.No. 163, West of: 25 ft wide South to North thadam and also Acre 0.28 and East of: The property retained by Karthikeyan and Suresh
Measuring Acre 0.19.3/4 within these boundaries Acre 0.46.3/4 together with right to take vehicles, carts on the 25 ft wide South to North thadam and also right to enjoy the mamool cart-track rights etc. The property bearing per subdivision it lies within the property is situated Avenue Patta No.178 and as S.F.No. 164/1A1 and near by "Supreme Avenue"