Mortgaged Asset : Item No I: Salem District, Salem East Sub District, Salem Town & Joint Sub Registration District, Salem Taluk, Ammapet Village in Krishnanpudur in S.No.2/12, As per resurvey Ward AJ. Block-37. T.S.No.2/3A in this with an extent of 3780 sq ft of land with constructions. Item No II : Salem District, Salem East Sub District, Salem Town & Joint Sub Registration District, Salem Taluk, Ammapet Village in Krishnanpudur in S.No.2/12. As per resurvey Ward AJ, Block-37 T.S.No.2/3A in this with an extent of 3460 sq ft of land with constructions both items put together with an extent of 7240 Sq.Ft. land with constructions along with doors (Door No.254), windows, electrical fittings, along with pathway rights & all other appurtenance attached therein and easementary rights in the Registered Partition Deed dated 28.12.2011 under document no.6104/2011. & Registered Gift Settlement Deed dated 28.12.2011. under do Location of the Property : 11.662525.78.189347