Mortgaged Asset : Item No I: Salem District, Salem East Sub District, Salem Town & Joint Sub Registration District, Salem Taluk, Ammapet Village in Krishnanpudur in S.No.2/12 As per resurvey Ward AJ, Block-37, T.S.No.2/3A in this with an extent of 3780 sq ft of land with constructions. Item No II : Salem District, Salem East Sub District, Salem Town & Joint Sub Registration District, Salem Taluk, Ammapet Village in Krishnanpudur in S.No.2/12, As per resurvey Ward AJ, Block-37 both items put together with an extent of 7240 Sq.Ft. land with constructions along with doors (Door No.254), windows, electrical fittings, along with pathway rights & all other appurtenance attached therein and easementary rights in the Registered Partition Deed dated 28.12.2011 under document no. 6104/2011, & Registered Gift Settlement Deed dated 28.12.2011, under document no. 6108/2011.