All that the house bearing Municipal No.7-1-229, admeasuring 107 square yards or 89.42 square meters, situated at Balkampet, Hyderabad and bounded as follow:North Neighbours, South: 15' 0" Lane, East H No.7-1-229/2,West Neighbours House Schedule Description of Property All that the Flat bearing No. G-1 in Ground Floor, admeasuring 450 Square Feet, (including common area), together with undivided share of land admeasuring 13.37 Square Yards, out of 107 Square Yards, in premises bearing Municipal No. 7-1-229, situated at Balkampet, Hyderabad, Telangana State, and bounded by: Boundaries for Flat G-1:North: Staircase & Flat No. G-2,South: 15" - O"Lane East: H No.7-1-229/2,West: Neighbours House Schedule G-2:Description of Property All that the Flat bearing No. G-2 in Ground Floor, admeasuring 450 Square Feet, (including common area), together with undivided share of land admeasuring 13.37 Square Yards, out of 107 Square Yards, in premises bearing Municipal No. 7-1-229, situated at Balkampet, Hyderabad, Telangana State, and bounded by: Boundaries for Flat G-2:North Neighbours House,South: Staircase & Flat No. G-1, East H No.7-1-229/2,West Neighbours House. Owner: Mr. Karanki Srinivasu