All that the house bearing Municipal No.7-1-229, admeasuring 107 square yards or 89.42 square meters, situated at Balkampet, Hyderabad and bounded as follow:North Neighbours, South 15' 0" Lane,East H No.7-1-229/2,West: Neighbours House Schedule A:Description of Property:Al that the Flat bearing No. 201 in Second Floor, admeasuring 450 Square Feet, (including common area), together with undivided share of land admeasuring 13.37 Square Yards, out of 107 Square Yards, in premises bearing Municipal No.7-1-229, situated at Balkampet, Hyderabad, Telangana State, and bounded by:North: Staircase & Flat No. South Open to Sky,East Open to Sky, Wes: Open to Sky Schedule -B Description of Property:Al that the Flat bearing No. 202 in Second Floor, admeasuring 450 Square Feet, (including common area), together with undivided share of land admeasuring 13.37 Square Yards, out of 107 Square Yards, in premises bearing Municipal No. 7-1-229, situated at Balkampet, Hyderabad, Telangana State, and bounded by:North: Open to Sky,South: Staircase & Flat No. 201, East: Open to Sky, West: Open to Sky
Mr. B. Chandrasekhar, Chief Manager, Punjab National Bank, Circle SASTRA - Hyderabad, Ph. 9581846072 or Mr. G. Guruprasad, Chief Manager, Punjab National Bank, Circle Hyderabad, Ph. 9994073722, or Mr. M. Srinivasulu, Manager, Punjab National Bank, Ph. 9160247376