The undivided proportionate share & interest in all that piece & parcel of NIT Plot No 27 (1419.65 Sq Mtrs) & Plot No 28(1327.50 Sq Mtrs). togetherwith all that RCC superstructure comprising of Apartment No B-203 on Second floor, in the complex to be known & styled as Rachana Gokul, constructed on the aforesaid portion of the land covering a total net builtup area of 59.29 Sq Mtrs , KH No 29/1, City Survey No 131, Sheet no 20. Ward No 61,, Mouuza Mankapur within the limits of NMC under Tah & Dist Nagpur in the name of Sh Rajdatta Shriram Deshpande. Bounded as East- B204. West-7.05 Mtrs Road, North- C204, South- B202