All that Piece and parcel of property situated at Holding / Premises No. 152, Ghosh Para, Muraghacha P.O Jugberia, P.S Ghola, Kolkata -7 122. Dist 24 Pgns (N). Mouza Muraghacha, Re. Sa No. 78, J.L. No. 30, Touzi No. 215, R.S. Khatian No. 263, L.R Khatian No. 228. Modified L.R. Khatian No. 2057, R.S. L.R. Dag No. 761, Bikanda-II. Gram Panchayet, Ward No. Holding No. 9106, with one storied Ashnestos shed building on total Bastu land of 02 Cottah 14 Chittak 22 Sq.ft more or less in the name of Sri Shyam Shyam Sunder Dey. S/o Lt. Krishna pada Dey by virtue Sale Deed being No. 5895 for the year 2006 (Near Location Kalyani High Way- Muraghacha Ghosh Para Near 2 No. Water pump House). (Under Symbolic Possession)