All that piece & parcel of land bearing Corporation House No.154 (Old No 600) containing by admeasuring 71.09 Sq Mtrs as per sanctioned building plan (91.716 Sq Mtrs (Or 988 Sq Ft) as per sale deed of Mouza Nagpur, togetherwith the Double Storied House standing thereon, covering a total builtup area of about 70.964 Sq Mtrs bearing Sheet No 258, Situated at New Shukrawari, Fawara Square, Cement Road Mahal, Nagpur within the limits of NMC Ward No 19 in Tah & Dist Nagpur Bounded :On the East-Nani & Therafter Bazar Otta, On the West-New Shukrawari Road, On the North-House of Sh Thakre, On the South-House of Sh Gopalrao Tinkhede