All that piece & parcel of Apartment No 308, 3rd floor(2BHK) consisting of One Hall, Two Bedroom, One Kitchen, Latrine Bathroom, Water tap, Gallery, Electricity Light fitting, builtup area 70.589 Sq Mtrs (759.819 Sq Ft) in Laxmi Plaza' together with undivided 1.842% share & interest in Plots No 13,14 & 3. area 3032.872 Sq mTrs(32645.84 Sq Ft). PH No 11, Thak No 102, Mouza Mankapur, Khasara No 26/2, Sheet No 525/13 & 524/14 bearing City Survey No 269,270,271 Corporation House No 1284/A, 1284,1285,1285/A Ward No 61 Tehsil & Dist Nagpur, bounded as - East: Nagpur-Koradi ROad, West: House of Sh Anchalwar, North: House of SH Yadav, South: House of Sh. Gupta & Tiwari. Owner- Sh. Sanjay Kumar Sahu S/o Keshoshravan Sahu