DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTIES: Property-1 EMD of Rice mill land and building at an extent of 878.50 sq.yds located at D.No.3-328 & 3-327 in S.No.31/2, V.K. Rayapuram Panchayat/Village, Samalkot (M), EGDt held in the name of Mr. Gollapalli Gangadhara Rao Item No 1: All that part & parcel of the property consisting of Industrial land at door no. 3-327 having an extent of 466.50 Sq Yards in S.No 31/2 Venkata Krishna Rayapuram Panchayat/Village, Samalkot(M) Kakinada District, Andhra Pradesh held in the name of Mr.Gollapalli Gangadhara Rao within the following boundaries: East : Public Street; West Site & terraced building; North : Lane way; South Site belonging to society Item No 2: All that part & parcel of the property consisting of Industrial land at door no. 3-328 having an extent of 412.00 Sq Yards in S.No 31/2 Venkata Krishna Rayapuram Panchayat/Village, Samalkot(M) Kakinada District, Andhra Pradesh held in the name of Mr.Gollapalli Gangadhara Rao within the following boundaries: East Site and house got by the done from Gollapalli Tirupathamma; West : Public Street; North Lane way: South Site belonging to society. Total of Item No 1 & Item No 2 having an extent of 878.50 sq.yds of Rice mill land and building with all usufruct, with all common ways, water ways and easementary rights etc