EMD of Rice mil land and building at an extent of 878.50 .yds located at D.No. 3-328 & 3-327 in 31/2, V.K. Rayapuram Panchayat/Village, Samalkot (M). EG D held in the name of Mr. Gollapalli Gangadhara Rao. Item No-1: An extent of 466.5Sq Yards of Building and vacant site situated at S.No.31/2, No. 3-327, Samalkot registration sub district. Venaktakrishna Rayapuram Panchayat/Village G.Distt. bounded by: East: 79'3" Public Street: South: 53 Site belonging to Society; West: 78 Site and terraced building therein got the by the donee from Gollapalli Ganga Rao and Tirupathamma; North: 53'9' Lane way. Within the above boundaries an extent of 466.50 Yards of site with residential house thereon with all common ways, water ways and easementary rights etc. Item No-2: An extent of 412 Yards of Madras Terras Dhabha House and site situated at D.No. 3-328, Samalkot registration sub district, Venakta krishna Rayapuram Panchayat/Vill bounded by: East: 78 Site and house got by the donee from Gollapalli Tirupathamma; South: 48 Site belonging to Society; West: 76'6" Public Street: North: 48 Lane. Within the above boundaries an extent of 412 Sq. Yards of site with residential house thereon with all common ways, water ways and easementary rights etc. Total of items 1&2 an extent of 878.50 sq.yds of Rice mill land and building with all usufruct with all common ways, water ways and easementary rights etc