Property 2: RD : Erode, Sub RD: Avalpoondurai SRD, Taluk: Erode, Village: NanjaiUthukuli Village, Panchayat: NanjaiUthukuli, Old SF Nos: 499-A, B & 500 A,C,D,E,F,G, 498-C. RSF No: 596/2, 596/5, Total Extent: 8318 1/4 sq.ft. (6054 3/4 + 2263 1/2). (i)In Erode Taluk, NanjaiUthukuli Village, (Old SF No. 499-A, B, 500- A,C,D,E,F,G) RS No. 596/2 P.Hec 1.26.0. Kist Rs. 5.27. Old SF No. 498-C) RS No. 596/5, P.Hec 0.58.0, Kist Rs. 1.16 in total P.Hec 1.18.0 in this 14109 1/2 sq. ft of lands, out of this western portion of land to an extent of 6054 1/4 sq.ft of land and all appurtenances therein and within the following boundaries: South of Land belongs to Saraswathi, West of land belongs to P RamasamyGounder, East of B Schedule eastern portion lands, North of 30 ft width east-west road. Measuring East to west: 59 ft on southern side, East to West 58 ft on northern side, North to south: 105 ft on the western side, North to south: 102 ft on the eastern side. (ii)In Erode Taluk, NanjaiUthukuli Village, (Old SF No. 499-A. B. 500-A,C,D,E,F,G) RS No. 596/2 P.Hec 1.26.0, Kist Rs. 5.27. Old SF No. 498-C) RS No. 596/5, P.Hec 0.58.0, Kist Rs. 1.16 in total P.Hec 1.18.0 in this 14109 1/2 sq. ft of lands, out of this western portion of land to an extent of 2263 1/2 sq.ft of land and all appurtenances therein and within the following boundaries: South of land belongs to RamasamyGounder, West of land belongs to RamasamyGounder, East of north-south road, North of 30 ft width east- west road, Measuring East to West 90 ft on southern side, East to West 92 ft on northern side, Nor th to South: 24 3/4 ft on the western side, North to South: 25 ft on the eastern side. Total 8318 1/4 sq.ft (6054 /4 + 2263 1/2) of land with all appurtenances therein and with mamool pathway rights including the rights as mentioned in the partition deed in Doc no. 6560/2009 The property is in the name of Mr. K P Rajendran. S/o Ponnusamy